Three children taken to hospital after suspected arson attack

It is thought the fire took place in a garage at the property, with the four occupants of the adjoining house requiring assistance by the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service. (Photo: Pacemaker)It is thought the fire took place in a garage at the property, with the four occupants of the adjoining house requiring assistance by the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service. (Photo: Pacemaker)
It is thought the fire took place in a garage at the property, with the four occupants of the adjoining house requiring assistance by the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service. (Photo: Pacemaker)
Police believe a fire in Craigavon which led to three children being taken to hospital was started deliberately.

Detectives investigating the blaze on Monday are appealing for information.

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Detective Sergeant Dave Stewart said: “The four occupants, including three children under the age of 10 years old, were taken to hospital and treated for the effects of smoke inhalation.

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The woman and three children attended hospital for the effects of smoke inhalation, with the blaze brought under control by firefighters. (Photo: Pacemaker)The woman and three children attended hospital for the effects of smoke inhalation, with the blaze brought under control by firefighters. (Photo: Pacemaker)
The woman and three children attended hospital for the effects of smoke inhalation, with the blaze brought under control by firefighters. (Photo: Pacemaker)

“We are treating this as arson at this time, and we are asking anyone who was in the area and saw what happened to call us.”

Upper Bann SDLP MLA Dolores Kelly said: “We are lucky not to be dealing with a tragedy today

“I would appeal to anyone who was in the area at around 11.40pm to come forward to police with any information they may have which could help with the investigation.

“I also want to thank firefighters who attended the scene late at night and brought the fire under control.”

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