Tribute to Hillsborough victims on Black Mountain

General views of  Black Mountain.
Photograph By Declan RoughanGeneral views of  Black Mountain.
Photograph By Declan Roughan
General views of Black Mountain. Photograph By Declan Roughan
A tribute to the 96 Hillsborough victims appeared over Belfast hours after the inquest findings were made public.

The number 96 was displayed on Black Mountain in memory of the fans killed in the disaster 27 years ago .

The inquest found the supporters were unlawfully killed and fans were not to blame for the tragedy.

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Home Secretary Theresa May has praised the “extraordinary dignity and determination” of the Hillsborough families.

“The terrible events of Saturday 15 April 1989 shocked this country and devastated a community,” she said.

David Cameron also paid tribute in the Commons to the families whose search for justice “was met with hostility”.

Ms May said: “It is not possible for us to understand what they have been through.”