UUP: Did shadowy figures overrule O'Neill in talks?

UUP MLA Doug Beattie has claimed that senior IRA men have been present at Stormont talks, and has asked if 'shadowy figures' are directing Sinn Fein policy after claims that Michelle O'Neill's willingness to strike a deal was overruled by more senior republicans.

Last week Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams challenged Taoiseach Leo Varadkar over a report that cited Irish government sources as saying that Sinn Fein’s Stormont leader Mrs O’Neill was prepared to strike a deal with the DUP but was overruled by colleagues.

Sinn Fein vehemently rejected the claim while Mr Varadkar responded to Mr Adams that he had no knowledge or interest in possible “disagreements or rivalries” within Sinn Fein.

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Mr Beattie said he recognised senior IRA figures around the talks.

A 2015 government assessment on paramilitary groups found that the senior leadership of PIRA, the Provisional Army Council and some PIRA departments continue to exist.

The report said: “PIRA members believe that PAC oversee both PIRA and Sinn Fein with an overarching stratgey. We judge this strategy has a wholly political focus.”

Mr Beattie said he was concerned these elements may have overruled Mrs O’Neill’s willingness to strike a deal with the DUP.

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