Varadkar united Ireland comments '˜lack judgment': Hamilton

Leo Varadkar said he shared the aspiration of a united IrelandLeo Varadkar said he shared the aspiration of a united Ireland
Leo Varadkar said he shared the aspiration of a united Ireland
Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar's comments about his aspirations for a united Ireland show 'a lack of diplomatic judgment', DUP MLA Simon Hamilton has said.

UUP MLA Doug Beattie, meanwhile, accused the taoiseach of “using Northern Ireland as an election bargaining chip”.

Mr Varadkar had said: “In terms of a united Ireland, our constitution is clear on this. Our constitution aspires to there being a united Ireland. I share that aspiration.

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“But only on the basis that it is done by consent, and when it does come about I would like to see it command a degree of cross-community support. And that’s the way I would envision it.”

Mr Hamilton said: “Contributions such as this from Leo Varadkar are more about playing to a domestic audience in the Republic of Ireland than rebuilding relationships with unionists in Northern Ireland.

“It is particularly disappointing that such continued statements undo a great deal of good work which had been done by Enda Kenny and his administration.”

The Strangford MLA added: “Whilst in her New Year message Arlene Foster looks forward to working with the Republic of Ireland on issues of mutual interest it would seem the taoiseach has little interest in doing the same.

“Mr Varadkar clearly does not understand unionism.

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“Indeed this type of commentary shows a lack of diplomatic judgment and immaturity.”

Mr Beattie, meanwhile, said the taoiseach’s comments were not particularly surprising.

“It should hardly come as a surprise to anyone that the prime minister of the Republic of Ireland would like to see a united Ireland established at some point, just as it should come as no surprise to learn that the Ulster Unionist Party is determined to maintain the Union with Great Britain,” he said.

“I believe the timing of Leo Varadkar’s comments has more to do with the prospect of an election in the Republic, and with that in mind, I would urge him to stop using Northern Ireland as an election bargaining chip, and set the date so that normality can return.”

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He added: “Recent interventions from south of the border have been unhelpful at a time when we are still attempting to re-establish the Stormont institutions and devolved government which we so urgently need.”