Victims press for official Libya-IRA probe

Former Libyan dictator Col Muammar GaddafiFormer Libyan dictator Col Muammar Gaddafi
Former Libyan dictator Col Muammar Gaddafi
Northern Ireland terror victims will meet with New Scotland Yard today to press for an official investigation into Libya-IRA links.

South Armagh victims group FAIR says that new evidence has come to light on the matter, which it will present during the meeting in London.

FAIR spokesperson Willie Frazer said: “We have identified Libyans who were key players in the Gaddafi regime who are prepared to cooperate with any New Scotland Yard investigation which is established. These key players will identify republican deal-makers who travelled to Libya.”

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The matter falls to New Scotland Yard and not the PSNI as it involves international terrorism.

Mr Frazer added that the Libyan embassy is prepared to issue visas to allow him to travel to the country.