These are the foods the UK imports from Europe - and whether shortages are likely

France has imposed a travel ban on UK passengers for 48 hours, due to concerns about the new strain of Covid. 

This has resulted in the port of Dover closing to outbound traffic - with warnings about “serious disruption” in place - which has caused fears that imported food products will be affected.

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Boris Johnson is holding an emergency Cobra meeting on Monday 21 December in an attempt to resolve the situation. 

Could there be food shortages because of the port of Dover closure - and what foods do we import from Europe? Here is everything you need to know.

Why is the port of Dover closed?

The Prime Minister has imposed a strict Tier 4 lockdown in London and areas of south-east England, amid a surge in Covid cases thought to be caused by a new strain of the virus. 

Shortly after, European countries including Germany, Italy and the Netherlands, announced travel bans from the UK, due to fears of the new variant spreading across borders.

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France also shut its border and suspended all traffic from the UK for two days. 

This has caused the port of Dover to close, with many freight lorries forced to queue at Kent as they are unable to cross by sea or through the Eurotunnel. 

It has raised fears that trade flows could be severely disrupted, while passengers across Europe could be left stranded in the run-up to Christmas.

The UK Government has urged hauliers not to travel to the port until further notice.

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