The energy of the east comes to life this summer

Getting ready for the EastSide Arts Festival were, from left, Eastside Arts Festival performers, Clarke Wilson from Celtic Soul, Henrik Gard and Ali Stranger from Tumble Circus.
  Picture by Brian MorrisonGetting ready for the EastSide Arts Festival were, from left, Eastside Arts Festival performers, Clarke Wilson from Celtic Soul, Henrik Gard and Ali Stranger from Tumble Circus.
  Picture by Brian Morrison
Getting ready for the EastSide Arts Festival were, from left, Eastside Arts Festival performers, Clarke Wilson from Celtic Soul, Henrik Gard and Ali Stranger from Tumble Circus. Picture by Brian Morrison
Make sure you mark August 2-12 in your diary for the return of EastSide Arts Festival.

Places and spaces across the eastside will be packed with a whole range of exciting and surprising arts related events and activities celebrating the creative energy of east Belfast.

The programme includes the return of the Big Top at C.S. Lewis Square, featuring circus entertainment and workshops for all the family, and music from Celtic Soul, Hothouse Flowers and Camille O’Sullivan.

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Especially for the festival will be a rehearsed reading of Jimmy Ellis: Home Again, an autobiography by the late east Belfast actor James Ellis, of his childhood years spent in east Belfast, as well as theatre, comedy and film events at the iconic Strand Arts Centre.

For further details visit

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