Body found at fast food outlet in central Belfast

The PSNI have confirmed the discovery of a body in the heart of Belfast city centre.

The body was found at the McDonald’s at the crossroads intersection with Castle Place.

Despite the discovery having been made on Thursday night and a police investigation being underway, the PSNI did not release any information about the matter until prompted at dinnertime on Friday.

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It said in a statement: “Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the sudden death of a man whose body was discovered in business premises in Donegall Place on the evening of Thursday 11 February.


“A post mortem examination will be conducted to determine the cause of death, which is not being treated as suspicious at this time.”

The police press office were asked questions including what time the body was found, and what age – roughly speaking – the victim was, but were unable to answer.

A McDonald’s spokesperson said: “We can confirm that there is an ongoing police investigation following a fatality at our Donegall Place restaurant in the early hours of this morning.

“We are offering support to the staff who were working at the time and our thoughts are with the family and friends of the individual involved.”