Disturbing questions arise over CAA calls for Kevin Myers to de dismissed

Gideon Falter, the chair of the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA),a UK body, has revealed on their website they demanded Sunday Times both instantly fire Irish journalist Kevin Myers due to part of his column, and also have him blacklisted.

Four disturbing questions now deserve public answers from CAA.

Do CAA reject the duty of any employer to grant due process and a prior hearing to any staff before they may be dismissal?

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Since when did CAA extend their UK remit to publications appearing and circulating only in the separate sovereign jurisdiction of the Republic of Ireland?

Did JRCI – the Jewish Representative Council of Ireland – seek CAA intervention?

Why did CAA not consult JRCI who, along with the founding chair of Irish Holocaust Memorial Committee, have both emphatically rejected any allegation that Myers is an Antisemite?

I am particularly concerned as not only a former chair, of the Ireland-Israel Friendship League, but also as having been involved in both TUFI (Trade Union Friends of Israel), TULIP (Trade Unionists Linking Israel and Palestine), and SPME (Scholars for Peace in the Middle East).

Tom Carew, Ranelagh, Dublin 6