Covid: Probes after five deaths and 156 hospital staff impacted

Infection Control nurse Colin Clarke looks out from a Covid-19 recovery ward at Craigavon Area Hospital in Co Armagh, Northern Ireland. (Photo: PA Wire)Infection Control nurse Colin Clarke looks out from a Covid-19 recovery ward at Craigavon Area Hospital in Co Armagh, Northern Ireland. (Photo: PA Wire)
Infection Control nurse Colin Clarke looks out from a Covid-19 recovery ward at Craigavon Area Hospital in Co Armagh, Northern Ireland. (Photo: PA Wire)
Five more people have died in two NI hospitals following Covid-19 outbreaks on wards with 156 staff either infected or self isolating.

Two patients had died in the haematology ward in Craigavon Area Hospital, after four had died on the same ward two weeks ago.

It also said three patients at Daisy Hill Hospital in Newry had died, after being treated on the male medical ward, where 11 patients had tested positive.

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Serious Adverse Incident investigations are being carried out in relation to both hospitals.

The trust said that 23 members of haematology staff at Craigavon have tested positive for Covid-19. Another 45 staff are self-isolating after being identified as contacts.

At Daisy Hill, 21 staff from the male medical ward have also tested positive while another 67 staff contacts are off work and self-isolating.

The trust has sought advice from the Public Health Agency and Public Health England.

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The Southern Trust chief executive Shane Devlin said its immediate priority is to “manage the serious impact of Covid-19 in our community and in our facilities”.

“On behalf of all our staff, we pass on our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of patients who have passed away,” he told the BBC.

The trust said it had been following public health infection prevention and control guidance since the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic “and would strongly refute any suggestion otherwise”.

DUP MLA Doug Beattie said staff at Craigavon are “absolutely devastated” while SDLP MLA Justin McNulty said staff at Daisy Hill were “at their wit’s end”.


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