Workplace mental health hub users double

Group Director of Professional Services at Inspire, John ConaghanGroup Director of Professional Services at Inspire, John Conaghan
Group Director of Professional Services at Inspire, John Conaghan
A local mental health charity has seen thousands of people seek mental health and wellbeing support in the weeks since the Covid-19 lockdown started.

Since lockdown measures were announced in late March, there have been more than 11,000 interactions with the online hub and an additional 1,700 new users.

Inspire Workplaces, Belfast supports organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors to manage employee wellbeing through counselling sessions and an online hub.

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Group Director of Professional Services at Inspire, John Conaghan, said: “The figures speak for themselves. We suspected that the numbers of people accessing the hub had increased but were surprised to learn that the figure had effectively doubled. Clearly the current situation is having an impact on mental health and wellbeing, suggesting people are looking for advice on how to manage it, as well as existing mental health conditions.

“We have invested more in this service to ensure support is there. That includes adding and updating our online resources, as well as training our counsellors to carry out telephone and online one to one counselling sessions. This means that crucial talking therapy support is still there for people who need it.”

Martin Toner, Welfare Manager at Welfare Support Service NI Civil Service regarding the Online Support Hub: “The Inspire Support Hub is a hugely positive addition to help support the mental health and wellbeing of NICS employees, and has been especially beneficial during this Covid-19 pandemic. The numerous and informative resources available, covering a wide range of issues, has been invaluable to the NICS Welfare Team, who have been encouraging and guiding their clients to avail of the support available on a daily basis.

“The self-help and library resources for issues such as bereavement, an increase in alcohol consumption, sleep disturbance, anxiety and stress, have been of particular benefit and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.”

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Chief Executive of Inspire, Kerry Anthony added: “At this time of widespread social isolation, the impact on our mental health and wellbeing will be significant. Physical distancing does not mean emotional distancing so it is important that people feel connected and supported through this isolation period.

“We also need to think about how we can plan for the longer-term recovery for people coming out of this crisis.

“Now more than ever, it is vital we support people, through the wellbeing hub and our one to one counselling and collectively do all we can to encourage those in need, to talk about their mental health and seek support.”

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