NI police station closed due to coronavirus outbreak

Downpatrick police station has been temporarily closed following a number of staff testing positive for Covid 19, the PSNI has said.

Assistant Chief Constable Alan Todd said: “We have closed Downpatrick Police Station for deep cleaning after ten officers tested positive for Covid 19. Those officers are receiving help and support and I wish them a speedy recovery.

“We have initiated our contact tracing process and business continuity plan. The welfare of our officers and staff is our priority and as a precaution, an additional 22 police officers have been required to self-isolate.

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“Any members of the public who have been considered as being in close contact with relevant police officers have been referred to public health agency for notification.

“While there are robust measures in place across the Service to mitigate the spread of Covid 19, our officers and staff are also members of the community and the reality is that we face the same risks from this pandemic as all other residents of Northern Ireland.

“I want to reassure public that we have planned for this situation and have resources and staff in place to ensure continuance of service delivery to keep our people and our communities safe. We will be contacting people due to attend the station in the coming days to make alternative arrangements.

“We are also working to identify any other risks arising from this outbreak and will address those with our health care partners.”