Flood-damaged Co Londonderry bridge to reopen after more than a year

Ballynameen Bridge in Claudy after the floods in August 2017Ballynameen Bridge in Claudy after the floods in August 2017
Ballynameen Bridge in Claudy after the floods in August 2017
A bridge in Co Londonderry that was significantly damaged during flooding in August 2017 is due to reopen to traffic next Wednesday.

The Ballynameen Bridge in Claudy – one of 89 bridges in Northern Ireland damaged during the floods – has undergone major reconstruction and renovation at a cost of around £800,000.

Improvements include the widening of the carriageway and footway along the length of the bridge.

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One lane of the bridge will be opened from Wednesday to two-way traffic flow under a temporary traffic signal control system.

Some completion works are ongoing and road users are asked to respect the signals and drive with due care and attention.

It is anticipated that the bridge will reopen to normal two-way traffic before the end of November.

The Department for Infrastructure thanked the public for their patience during the bridge closure and apologised for the inconvenience to the local community.