Irish rugby captain Rory Best urges voters to back Remain

Rory BestRory Best
Rory Best
The captain of the Irish rugby team has urged voters to back a Remain vote in the EU referendum.

As well as captaining Ireland and Ulster, Rory Best is also a farmer.

The Aberdeen Angus breeder from Co Armagh highlighted the importance of the vote to the agricultural sector as he made clear his support for the UK staying within the EU.

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Farmers in Northern Ireland receive hundreds of millions of pounds in EU subsidies annually and Chancellor George Osborne has warned that level of support is unlikely to be maintained in the event of Brexit.

But pro-Leave campaigners insist farmers and fishermen have been stifled by EU bureaucracy and an exit will open up new global trade opportunities.

Best, who is currently leading Ireland on their summer tour to South Africa, tweeted: “Thursday 23rd June is an important date for farmers & the agrifood sector.

“Support them by voting to stay in EU! #Brexit #NoPlanB.”