Controlled schools chief: The wellbeing of pupils and staff at heart of everything we do

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
This week will see a full return to school with a difference and there is no doubt it presents a challenging time for all staff, pupils, families and indeed for the wider community.

As controlled schools navigate this extraordinary time, please be assured that the health and wellbeing of pupils and staff will continue to be at the centre of everything they do.

The focus of school leaders and staff is without fail, on creating safe learning and teaching environments.

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Each individual school will have had a different experience as a result of the pandemic.

It’s in this context that the ethos and values of the school ensures a much needed nurturing approach as the learning community recovers together.

The current pandemic has contributed to a growing understanding among wider society of the importance of supporting the mental health and wellbeing of pupils and that children learn best when their emotional needs are also met.

I’m confident that all who work in the controlled sector will continue to prioritise and support this approach.

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Covid-19 is still with us and the science indicates it’s going to be here for the foreseeable future.

Leaders in education are aware that the collective vision for the new academic year has to be one that is responsive to this extraordinary situation, focused on safe and effective learning and the wellbeing of everyone in schools.

Finally I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the commitment of our principals, teachers and staff and wish them well throughout what is going to be a very complex and challenging year.

Barry Mulholland, Chief Executive, Controlled Schools’ Support Council

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A message from the Editor:

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