David McNarry: Now that the PSNI branding idea is out into the open, it will return — despite the climbdowm

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Not content with rolling over to the Brexit border betrayal, the unionist leaders appeared to be doing the same over the proposed PSNI brand change.

It is obvious that this was a bid to recruit and increase the numbers of nationalists in policing.

No-one should be bribed to join by creating a branding to accommodate nationalists only.

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The plan would have disfigured the current branding, and dishonoured the ‘incorporation of the RUC-George Cross’.

The chief constable and others behind the move should be ashamed of themselves for even considering it.

The intention has caused offense and alarm. Now that the idea has come out into the open it will resurface, despite the chief constable’s climbdown.

It has been cringeworthy watching the unionist leaders’ impotence in challenging the erosion of matters that are important to their electorate.

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Boldness and assertiveness are the order of the day, to make Downing Street understand that unionists will not work devolution if its mechanics are tampered with.

Get a grip, Arlene and Steve. Send a strong signal now to unionism that you are both ready to unite to do battle and fight back for the people of Northern Ireland.

A PSNI name change in any form and a Brexit annexing Northern Ireland from the UK are a bridge too far.

David McNarry, Comber