Do not rejoice at Storey’s death but remember what he was: a mafia henchman

Bobby Storey at a commemoration for dead IRA bomber Thomas Begley, 2018Bobby Storey at a commemoration for dead IRA bomber Thomas Begley, 2018
Bobby Storey at a commemoration for dead IRA bomber Thomas Begley, 2018
No glee should ever be taken in the death of anyone. To do so debases our own humanity.

The Storey family will mourn (Bobby Storey, ‘brain surgeon’ of IRA, ‘was key to peace process’, News Letter, June 22). But in all the historical revisionism likely to take place concerning the life Bobby Storey lived, there needs to be truth and fact reported.

He chose to live life as a systemic terrorist and was responsible directly and indirectly for significant pain and misery within many families.

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We at the South East Fermanagh Foundation (SEFF) implore the media to report responsibly over the coming days; do not airbrush away this man’s list for violence and physical force republicanism.

In other societies Bobby Storey would have been referred to and accepted across the board as being; a mafia henchman.

Kenny Donaldson, SEFF, Lisnakea

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