High intelligence is not needed in our Stormont MLAs

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Sam McBride’s article on Saturday provides a clear and comprehensive analysis of the Executive Committee (Functions) Bill that is being ramrodded through the Northern Ireland Assembly.

(The article can be read here: ‘With the incurious scrutinising the inept, Stormont is sinking still lower,’ July 25).

Quoting from Mr McBride’s article: “... there is scant evidence of intellectual curiosity on the benches of the DUP, Sinn Fein, SDLP or Alliance ...”

Even the once verbose Naomi Long has gone silent.

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Mr McBride may be unaware, that if memory serves me correctly, it was in ‘The Dandy’ (the sister comic of ‘The Beano’), I read that it was only necessary to attain an IQ of 75 in order to become a member of any of the above-mentioned political parties!

I am shattered to learn that Desperate Dan was not based on a real character of high intelligence who never became involved in Northern Ireland politics.

Morrison W Woods, Bangor

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