It’s nationalist Brit-bashing that really fuels sectarianism – not Brexiteers

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Tom Nash:

It is astonishing that the President of the RoI, which is essentially a hostile state in its attitude towards the very existence of Northern Ireland, should claim that anti-EU sentiment is fuelling sectarianism here (Higgins: Trade unions can help fight sectarianism, News Letter, March 29).

The reality is that it is the constant “Brit-bashing” by RoI politicians, as well as NI nationalists, which fuels sectarianism.

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It seems Mr Higgins fervently believes that he is our “president” and, like Coveney and Varadkar, has an absolute right to interfere at every opportunity in our affairs.

I’d suggest that Mr Higgins ceases deriding Unionism and devotes his energy to ensuring that the Government of the RoI accepts full responsibility for allowing PSF/PIRA to use its sovereign territory to kill and main over1,000 citizens of NI in its campaign of terror.

Finally, may I ask Mr Higgins why it is that if UK citizens wrap themselves in the Union flag they are condemned by the Irish as “jingoistic”, however when RoI citizens wrap themselves in the tricolour and dye their hair green it is passed off as an “expression of culture”?

Tom Nash, Derriaghy

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