Letter: Chris Heaton-Harris is not doing his job in getting the sea border removed - he should have his pay cut to motivate him

A letter from Stevan Patterson:
Has the NI secretary of state Chris Heaton-Harris forgotten why there is no Stormont executive? It is because of his government's constitutional sell-out to the EU, writes Stevan PattersonHas the NI secretary of state Chris Heaton-Harris forgotten why there is no Stormont executive? It is because of his government's constitutional sell-out to the EU, writes Stevan Patterson
Has the NI secretary of state Chris Heaton-Harris forgotten why there is no Stormont executive? It is because of his government's constitutional sell-out to the EU, writes Stevan Patterson

The secretary of state for Northern Ireland, Chris Heaton-Harris MP, in a recent interview has hinted he could cut the salary of MLAs once again if the DUP doesn’t return to Stormont.

Has he forgotten why there is no executive? It is because of his government's constitutional sell-out to the EU by placing and rigorously implementing a customs border within the UK.

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Perhaps the salary of Mr Harris should be cut as a way of motivating him, as he certainly is not doing his job in getting the sea border removed and ending EU law in Northern Ireland. This is at the core of the problem why we don’t have an executive and not the DUP’s fault.

So Instead of trying to use political pressure to force unionists to accept something so fundamentally against basic unionist ideology which we will never compromise on, he should finally realise what has to be done for the return of Stormont and get down to work on restoring NI’s place within the UK.

Stevan Patterson, Castlederg, Co Tyrone