Letter: Clear and logical analysis from Bob McCartney on why unionist MLAs cannot return to the assembly until protocol is abolished

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Thomas Smyth:

Well said Bob McCartney KC.

His opinion piece (Staying out of Stormont is the only card left to play against Irish unity process, November 23) set out clearly and logically why unionist MLAs simply cannot return to the Northern Ireland assembly or executive until the NI Protocol/Windsor Framework is abolished and Northern Ireland’s rightful place within the UK is restored.

Mr McCartney also correctly calls out successive Westminster governments for their longstanding policy of seeking to manipulate NI into an all-Ireland state.

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In my opinion, it is important that the all-Ireland planners in Westminster, Washington, Dublin, Brussels and Belfast know that there is a substantial population of unionists who see the so-called “peace process” for what it truly is, and that principled unionists will never surrender the Union, irrespective of the threats made or inducements offered.

Thomas Smyth, Belfast