MLA: Entire community offers its deepest condolences to family of Noah Donohue

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
It was dreadfully sad news when the PSNI confirmed that they found the body of the missing teenager Noah Donohoe.

The news that none of us wanted to hear.

At this time let us remember Noah’s mother, his family and friends in prayer.

May God bless and sustain them in the days ahead.

The entire community has come together in support of them this week and will want to continue to offer our deepest sympathy and condolences.

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I wish to acknowledge all those who have done all that they could to support the search for Noah, both in our emergency services and as volunteer members of the public.

In particular, I acknowledge the efforts of PSNI officers and Community Rescue Service volunteers, for their hard work and professionalism this week, and all those who will be continuing to provide close support to Noah’s family.

William Humprhey, DUP MLA, North Belfast

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