The unionist coalition partners of Sinn Fein in the Stormont executive are continuing to sanitise them

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Councillor Stephen Cooper on December 2:

The recent tweet from a Sinn Fein TD exemplifies the true mindset of those within the republican movement.

The gloating and celebration of mass murder is as sickening today as it was on the day of those tragic and horrific atrocities.

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The rightful condemnation from SFIRA’s unionist executive partners rings hollow as they continue to sanitise and indeed elevate those within the same organisation.

Mandatory coalition with terrorist representatives has not, and cannot ever provide stable government for Northern Ireland.

Then again, that’s patently not what SFIRA are striving for.

Stephen Cooper, Traditional Unionist Voice councillor, Comber

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A message from the Editor:

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