Unionists should call time on the circus at Stormont

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Darrin Foster:

It’s 23 years this month since the Belfast Agreement was signed but it is increasingly clear that the agreement did not deliver on its promises, at least not to the unionist community.

Devolution is broken.

In a year that has seen an internal border put within the United Kingdom, Irish language legislation set to come before the assembly and now the police force colluding with Sinn Fein to organise the funeral of a terrorist, one has to wonder why the DUP continue to prop up such a farce.

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Unionist leaders must realise statements are not enough, confidence in the police and justice system and devolution as a whole has been completely shattered.

The arrogance of Sinn Fein and the unwillingness to hold them to account by the DUP has left a political situation which I believe is no longer tenable.

It is time for co-ringmistress Foster to call time on the farce and bring the curtain down on the circus at Stormont.

Darrin Foster, Portadown

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A message from the Editor:

Thank you for reading this story on our website. While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you.

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