Northern Ireland treasures its memories of the Duke of Edinburgh

News Letter editorialNews Letter editorial
News Letter editorial
News Letter editorial of Saturday April 10 2021:

Prince Philip symbolised much of the last century for the United Kingdom.

He was born in Greece but was a descendant of the British royal family, to which he returned by marriage in 1947, aged in his 20s.

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Not only had he by then fought gallantly for the allies in the Second World War, he had done so despite being related to German officers via the marriage of his sisters.

People who knew the Duke of Edinburgh well explained yesterday how Queen Elizabeth, who has given extraordinary service to the nation since she acceded to the throne in 1952, drew great strength from Prince Philip.

The early death of King George VI propelled the couple reluctantly into the spotlight, but was the beginning of seven decades of joint public duty, as Northern Ireland saw. Prince Philip turned 90 in 2011, and yet returned here several times after that, meeting recipients of his Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, which was popular in NI.

People across the Province have been remembering this forceful, colourful and well-read man, much interested in science. The Queen will also be foremost in our thoughts.

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As tributes flood into Buckingham Palace from around the world, it is appropriate the assembly is adjourning on Monday after respects have been paid.

It was also fitting that yesterday loyalists pleaded with their followers to show their loyalty by calling off protests. Sadly, some rioters seemed to discard that advice.

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