The good, old-time religion is alive in Armagh and Down

The whole counsel of God from the Old and New TestamentsThe whole counsel of God from the Old and New Testaments
The whole counsel of God from the Old and New Testaments
Having read Pastor Burns' letter ('˜God is not dead but is the church?' September 15), it is clear that people need to be assured that, God willing, meeting will take place as usual on Sunday in Cremore, Fourtowns and Poyntzpass ('˜like' our Facebook page for details!).

At those meetings the whole counsel of God from the Old and New Testaments will continue to be preached faithfully, clearly and concisely.

At the same time love, mercy, holiness, truthfulness and all the true, biblically sanctioned fruits of a Christian life will continue to be encouraged and practised.

The good, old-time religion of the Presbyterian Church is still vigorously alive in the counties of Armagh and Down!

Rev Mark Wilson, Poyntzpass

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