Children’s Cancer Unit Charity Stormont Mile

Press Eye - Belfast - Northern Ireland - 30th June 2019

Families, friends and supporters of the Children's Cancer Unit Charity gathered at Parliament Buildings today, to take part in the CCUC Stormont Mile. 

The event was held to raise awareness of childhood cancer in Northern Ireland and in aid of the Children's Cancer Unit at the Royal. For more information visit

Picture by Jonathan Porter/PressEyePress Eye - Belfast - Northern Ireland - 30th June 2019

Families, friends and supporters of the Children's Cancer Unit Charity gathered at Parliament Buildings today, to take part in the CCUC Stormont Mile. 

The event was held to raise awareness of childhood cancer in Northern Ireland and in aid of the Children's Cancer Unit at the Royal. For more information visit

Picture by Jonathan Porter/PressEye
Press Eye - Belfast - Northern Ireland - 30th June 2019 Families, friends and supporters of the Children's Cancer Unit Charity gathered at Parliament Buildings today, to take part in the CCUC Stormont Mile. The event was held to raise awareness of childhood cancer in Northern Ireland and in aid of the Children's Cancer Unit at the Royal. For more information visit Picture by Jonathan Porter/PressEye
Families, friends and supporters of the Children’s Cancer Unit Charity gathered at Parliament Buildings to take part in the CCUC Stormont Mile. ?The event was held to raise awareness of childhood cancer in Northern Ireland and in aid of the Children’s Cancer Unit at the Royal. For more information visit

Pictures by Jonathan Porter/PressEye

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