Coronavirus: Little Poppy helping staff on the frontline of crisis

Four-year-old Poppy McCoy with one of the visorsFour-year-old Poppy McCoy with one of the visors
Four-year-old Poppy McCoy with one of the visors
Four-year-old Poppy McCoy from east Belfast is doing her bit for frontline workers by collecting vital personal protective equipment (PPE).

Poppy wanted to support her mum Wendy who works for Leonard Cheshire, the charity dedicated to looking after vulnerable disabled people in supported living facilities.

Wendy is deputy manager at the charity’s Maples Centre in north Belfast and she and Poppy collected donated visors from Sign Services Belfast to protect staff as they work.

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Wendy said: “Poppy does understand that my job involves caring for people and the visors are part of something that we use to keep ourselves safe and to keep the service users within the unit safe.”

Poppy added: “ wanted to protect my mummy in work.”

Wendy said staff at the Maples Centre were thrilled with the kind donation from Sign Services Belfast.

“There are 31 people living at the Maples Centre, with a range of needs, including physical disability, learning disability and mental health issues. We provide a range of support to different people depending on their needs,” she said.

“We are very grateful to Sign Services Belfast for the visors and to the wider community, who have been great. We have had donations of food and cleaning products.

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“In the midst of all this, the positive thing is that the community has come together to help. Leonard Cheshire as a whole is very thankful for the community support.”

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