Darkness into Light events take place across NI

Thousands took part in the Darkness into Light events across NI to raise awareness of suicide and self-harm.  Picture: Brian Morrison.Thousands took part in the Darkness into Light events across NI to raise awareness of suicide and self-harm.  Picture: Brian Morrison.
Thousands took part in the Darkness into Light events across NI to raise awareness of suicide and self-harm. Picture: Brian Morrison.
Thousands of people across Northern Ireland stepped out in the early hours of this morning (Saturday) as part of the Darkness into Light global movement against suicide.

Darkness into Light events took place in 202 venues across 19 countries, including 12 across Northern Ireland. Those taking part had an early start to the day, setting off at 4.15am in their bid to help raise awareness of suicide and self-harm through fundraising for Pieta House and like-minded charities.

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