Alliance restate opposition to statute of limitations for soldiers who carried out unlawful killings

Letters to EditorLetters to Editor
Letters to Editor
Yesterday the Alliance Party had a positive meeting with the Commissioner for Victims and Survivors, Judith Thompson at Equality House in Belfast.

We recommitted our support for the delivery of the Stormont House Agreement mechanisms on legacy issues.

The meeting concerned a number of subjects, all of which are vital to meeting the needs of victims throughout our society.

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We discussed how we fully support the consultation into the legacy of the past but we must stick to what is already contained within the Stormont House Agreement.

Anything further risks the ability to receive the justice, truth and reconciliation they deserve.

We restated our opposition to any proposed statute of limitations for soldiers who carried out unlawful killings during the Troubles.

It would be a slap in the face to victims, many of whom remain without justice, as well as the great majority of security forces who served with honour throughout the Troubles.

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Alliance also raised the matter of victims’ pensions. We are aware of many victims who face significant financial difficulties as a result of their injuries sustained.

We need progress on this issue as a matter of urgency so those concerned can access the help they need.”

Trevor Lunn, MLA, Alliance, Lagan Valley