Gerry Kelly’s lauding of terrorists is ‘a warped message and ‘affront to victims’

Gerry KellyGerry Kelly
Gerry Kelly
Gerry Kelly’s tweet lauding the escape of IRA terrorists from the Maze was not only affront to innocent victims of terrorism but is a warped message from an elected representative who should support the rule of law in Northern Ireland.

Such statements send out a mixed message to young republicans looking at the dissident terrorists of 2020.

On the back of the Gerry Kelly’s brazen participation in the funeral of Bobby Storey, this disgraceful statement demonstrates an unashamed and calculated disregard for the spirit and content of the law.

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As a result of my complaint, it is welcome that the Northern Ireland Policing Board is conducting an internal investigation into Gerry Kelly’s actions.

This must continue at pace, however the fall-out shouldn’t stop there. Mr Kelly must reaffirm his commitment to exclusively peaceful and democratic means.

If that does not happen the onus is on the Justice Minister to remove him from his role on the Northern Ireland Policing Board using powers under the Schedule 1 Paragraph 9 (1) of the Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000.

A Sinn Fein spokesman for Gerry Kelly has argued that to debate these matters on the floor of Assembly would be a waste of time, which shows a stunning lack of self-awareness.

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In recent weeks Gerry Kelly’s colleagues have tabled a steady flow of Brit-bashing Brexit motions at Stormont - despite those important issues being decided in our national parliament at Westminster where Sinn Fein don’t even turn up.

In truth Gerry Kelly’s behaviour has direct implications for the credibility of the institutions and for grassroots support for law and order which cannot be brushed under the carpet by the other Assembly parties.

Members are duty bound to support the rule of law unequivocally in word and deed and to support all efforts to uphold it and demonstrate commitment to non-violence and exclusively peaceful and democratic means.

Every member of every party without exception is equally subject to and bound by the laws of the land.

No one is above them.

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Whether using bolt cutters to get rid of a parking clamp or ignoring the covid-19 regulations or celebrating a jail break, Gerry Kelly has a track record which no democrat should allow to go unchallenged.

Gerry Kelly has displayed an arrogance suggesting that the high standards he demands of the police, the public and other politicians don’t apply to them.

By tabling this motion, we send a signal that the rule of law must be respected.

There must be meaningful consequences for lawmakers who break the law and the DUP will continue to work actively to ensure this happens.

Mervyn Storey is DUP MLA for North Antrim and is the leader of the DUP Team on the Policing Board.