Travel Ban: Deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill calls for Stormont Executive meeting to discuss possibility despite Arlene Foster warning

First Minister Arlene Foster.First Minister Arlene Foster.
First Minister Arlene Foster.
Northern Ireland’s Deputy First Minister has called for a meeting of the Executive to discuss a potential travel ban from Britain.

Michelle O’Neill said there was “no time to lose” in agreeing a travel ban.

Ms O’Neill tweeted: “We are facing a very grave situation. The Executive must meet tonight. There is no time to lose in agreeing a travel ban from Britain.

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“Belfast and Dublin must act together to keep everyone on this island safe.”

Her comments come as First Minister Arlene Foster warned that closing Northern Ireland to travellers from the rest of the UK would have serious ramifications.

The Republic imposed a ban on travel from Britain to Ireland for a period of 48 hours from midnight on Sunday.

Mrs Foster said: “It is a very simplistic thing to say, ‘let’s close Northern Ireland off’.

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“That has ramifications and as First Minister I have to take all those into account as well.

“I have always tried to be proportionate and balanced in everything that I have done through this crisis, and I am going to continue to do that.”