Varadkar: Protocol has boosted all-island economy – and that shows it is working

Tanaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Leo Varadkar speaks to the media during a visit to InterTradeIreland’s offices in Newry, Northern Ireland. Picture date: Thursday September 2, 2021.Tanaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Leo Varadkar speaks to the media during a visit to InterTradeIreland’s offices in Newry, Northern Ireland. Picture date: Thursday September 2, 2021.
Tanaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Leo Varadkar speaks to the media during a visit to InterTradeIreland’s offices in Newry, Northern Ireland. Picture date: Thursday September 2, 2021.
Leo Varadkar has declared that it is “very clear” that the Northern Ireland Protocol is working, because “the all-island economy” is “thriving”.

Ireland’s deputy premier said that while there are still issues to be ironed out in the post-Brexit agreement, Northern Ireland’s economic performance shows it has been “a success”.

“In relation to the Northern Ireland Protocol, I think it’s one thing that we should see as being very clear now, after about a year of the protocol being in place, is that it’s working,” he said.

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“It was designed to make sure that there was no hard border between North and South and there isn’t.

“It was designed to protect our place in the single market and it has.

“And as was there in the original agreement with Prime Minister May, it is designed to protect the all-island economy, and that’s thriving.

“Trade north-south and south-north has increased dramatically, between 50 and 90%, depending on which way you count it.

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“According to the UK Office of National Statistics, the Northern Ireland economy has outperformed the rest of the UK.”

Meanwhile, SF regional leader Michelle O’Neill declared that yesterday’s court judgment against the DUP is “an embarrassing indictment” of the party’s “continued juvenile antics in the Executive”.

She added: “Respect and support for the rule of law and the proper functioning of government in accordance with the Good Friday Agreement is paramount to the operation of our democratic institutions.”

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