Windsor Framework is a major improvement on Northern Ireland Protocol, Heaton-Harris tells Conservative Party conference

Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris delivers his address during the Conservative Party annual conference at Manchester Central. Mr Heaton-Harris said that business "truly recognises" the opportunities that exist due to the Windsor FrameworkNorthern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris delivers his address during the Conservative Party annual conference at Manchester Central. Mr Heaton-Harris said that business "truly recognises" the opportunities that exist due to the Windsor Framework
Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris delivers his address during the Conservative Party annual conference at Manchester Central. Mr Heaton-Harris said that business "truly recognises" the opportunities that exist due to the Windsor Framework
More than 1,600 new businesses have signed up to the UK internal market scheme, meaning “more traders than ever want to do business in Northern Ireland”, Chris Heaton-Harris has said.

On the same day a green/red lane system for the movement of goods and “not for EU” labels came into effect for Northern Ireland as part of the Windsor Framework, the Northern Ireland Secretary was taking to the stage at the Tory conference in Manchester.

He told delegates: “Let me just give you one stat to demonstrate how the Windsor Framework is a major improvement on the protocol and how it will be noticed by the people of Northern Ireland itself.

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“Over 1,600 new businesses have signed up to our new internal market scheme, meaning more traders than ever want to do business in Northern Ireland.

“Conference, I just want to say something about the future of Northern Ireland: there’s always been a lot of doom and gloom around this subject for too long.

“In reality, Northern Ireland’s economic prospects are unbelievably promising. A couple of weeks ago, I, alongside the Secretary of State for Business and Trade Kemi (Badenoch), hosted an investment summit in Northern Ireland, 160 international businesses came along, some visiting Northern Ireland for the first time.

“They came because business truly recognises the opportunities that exist.”

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Mr Heaton-Harris said that the Windsor Framework was reached after "months of negotiation" with the European Union. The framework, he said, "removes trade barriers; allows goods available on shelves in Great Britain to move freely into Northern Ireland; ensures Northern Ireland benefits from the same VAT and alcohol taxes as the rest of the United Kingdom; safeguards Northern Ireland’s place in the United Kingdom internal market through agreements on medicine and state aid; and protects the economic rights of the people of Northern Ireland and provides a basis to move forward as one united country".

He added: "Now I know concerns remain in Northern Ireland about the Windsor Framework and we will continue to work to address them. There is scope to do so, based on the principle that the UK internal market must be promoted as well as protected."

Mr Heaton-Harris said that earlier in the morning he had visited Peel Port in Birkenhead "to see the smooth flow of trade goods able to travel between Great Britain and Northern Ireland".

"I am also actively exploring how we can support a new ferry route between Larne and Liverpool so we can seize the moment to increase trade within the UK further."

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On the issue of a lack of a Stormont executive, the NI secretary said there had been no functioning devolved government in Northern Ireland for 605 days.

"That means the people of Northern Ireland have been without a government - no new policies developed and no Ministers taking decisions on the issues that matter to voters.

"Since starting this job, I have been working to get politicians back to Stormont because I believe that the people of Northern Ireland are best served by the MLAs they elected to take positions for them.

"People in Northern Ireland need their locally-elected politicians to take action to make Northern Ireland’s finances more sustainable; and to improve the health service there, where 22% of the population are on a waiting list - and there is, I’m afraid, a very long list of other things that need to be sorted.

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"So I say to my friends in the unionist community we will continue working to answer your remaining concerns.

"You know, and we know, progress has been made and we are working in a constructive spirit. And it is clear that the vast majority of people and their political leaders want to get this done."