Investigative news website The Detail wins Google funding to chart Brexit impact

An investigative news website in Northern Ireland has won 400,000 euro in funding from Google to undertake a major project examining the impact of Brexit on the island of Ireland.

The Detail secured the funding through Google’s Digital News Initiative (DNI) Innovation Fund.

The two-year project will see the website’s data journalists analyse key statistics linked to the UK’s exit from the European Union.

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It will examine the implications for industry, security, politics and society on the island of Ireland.

Editor of The Detail Steven McCaffery said the project’s aim was to inform public debate.

“The UK’s exit from the European Union is of international significance, but we can already see that it is having a unique impact on the island of Ireland,” he said.

“With the support received from Google’s DNI Innovation Fund, The Detail is launching an ambitious project to produce accessible data analysis on Brexit, plus human stories on its unfolding implications for the lives of people and the future of businesses across the island.”

The project will see The Detail work with data analysis and visualisation company Analytics Engines and also collaborate with two digital companies SureCert and City Radar.