Patriotic desire is not about logic

According to Owen Polley ('˜Unionists must grapple with middle-class Brexit tantrum', July 4): 'There is no rational case for an independent, all-Ireland state at the current time.'

Patriotism is not about logic. Arlene Foster says she loves Northern Ireland. Others might say they love Ireland. There is also the desire for freedom and a people’s right to freedom to be considered. What right has Polley to tell people they have no right to freedom at this time?

Speaking as UKIP leader, Nigel Farage stated: “I know we’re very much identified with the European question – quite rightly, because we think the whole question of who governs our country is vital.”

Absolutely. My country is Ireland. Irish people should govern their own country. For better or worse. You don’t just give up on freedom.

Malachy Scott, Belfast BT15