Gay movement is misusing the rainbow colours, which is a sign given by the Almighty God

Could I though the medium of your newspaper make a few remarks on the '˜rainbow flag' which is used by the so called '˜gay lobby;' and not only carried by them, but also to their shame, flown by some businesses and corporations.

The rainbow most certainly is a sign given by the Almighty God as a Covenant between Noah and his seed, and every living creature.

Now the rainbow which the Lord made has seven colours; the number seven in Scripture declaring perfection and completeness; whereas the rainbow flag of the ‘gay’ movement contains only six, which in Biblical terms is the number of MAN as destitute of God, without God, i.e. atheistic, without Christ, and having no hope in the world.

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In Rev. 10: 1 the rainbow pictures the incarnation of Christ as having a “rainbow upon His head,” showing His kingly perfection.

And again, in Ezek. 1: 28, 29 the Rainbow shows the brightness or perfection of the “likeness of the glory of the Lord.”

For the ‘gay’ movement to misuse the rainbow colours to suit their perverted ways, is a terrible sin against the Lord, and we should all bear in mind that it is written: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man a man soweth he also shall reap.”

I do not condemn these people, for they do that quite adequately themselves by following a life-style totally contrary to nature, and the Word of Almighty God.

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My earnest prayer for them is that peradventure the Lord the Spirit would give them the Gift of Repentance to the acknowledgement of the Truth, the Truth as it is in Jesus, that they may recover themselves out of this snare of the Devil, who has taken them captive at his will, doing his will.

David J. Burrows, Dungannon