Belfast City Airport in line for top Euro award

Katy BestKaty Best
Katy Best
George Best Belfast City Airport has once again been nominated for one of the world's most prestigious aviation marketing awards '“ and completed an impressive awards shortlisting hat-trick in the process.

The airport has been shortlisted in the ‘Under Four Million Passenger’ category of the Routes Europe Marketing Awards.

The achievement follows Belfast City Airport’s success in the World Routes Marketing Awards, in which it has also been shortlisted in the last two years.

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Voted for by airlines, the awards recognise the route development work carried out by airports across Europe. The winners will be announced at the 2018 Routes Europe Conference, which is taking place in Bilbao from 22nd-24th April.

“The Routes Marketing Awards are recognised across the world as the industry benchmark for marketing, and we are extremely proud to be shortlisted,” said BCA commercial director Katy Best.

“The fact that this is the third Routes Marketing Award that Belfast City Airport has been nominated for in the last two years is a huge endorsement of the work our team is doing with our partner airlines to help enhance their presence in the local market.

“We warmly welcome the Routes Europe nomination and look forward to attending the conference in Bilbao in April,” she added.