Simple Scaling reveal secrets to ‘scaling success’ with new book

Co-authors, directors and co-founders Brendan McGurgan and Claire ColvinCo-authors, directors and co-founders Brendan McGurgan and Claire Colvin
Co-authors, directors and co-founders Brendan McGurgan and Claire Colvin
Northern Ireland based business, Simple Scaling has launched their new book ‘Simple Scaling: 10 Proven Principles to 10x Your Business’.

Published by Scribe Media and co-authored by Brendan McGurgan and Claire Colvin, who embarked on a journey with a sole purpose ‘to work with ambitious business leaders locally and globally to inspire, connect and enable them to scale with purpose’.

The book, which has been two years in the making, has been inspired from their own experiences in successfully scaling businesses as well as in-depth research with over 100 global thought leaders and academics from across the globe.

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‘Simple Scaling: 10 Proven Principles to 10x Your Business’ provides the tools and practical tips that SME businesses require to break free of the gravitational pull of the everyday and shoot for the stars.

Brendan McGurgan, co-author, director and co-founder of Simple Scaling, explained: “In the UK alone, sadly less than 1% of the 5.7m SMEs are currently achieving scaling.

“The 10 principles which are covered in the book offer a playbook for successful scaling – something I would have benefitted from at the start of my own scaling journey.

“It encapsulates all the knowledge business leaders need to develop a scaleup psyche by establishing your purpose, sourcing the right people, planning and implementing repeatable performance to fuel 10x growth.”

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Claire Colvin, co-author, director and co-founder, continued: “If you want to scale your business, Simple Scaling is the pathway and is written by business leaders who have already beaten the odds.

“This guide will walk business leaders ambitious to scale through each stage of the scaling process in one elegant, integrated framework, showing them how to overcome all the challenges they’ll meet along the way.

“This book could not have come at a better time as many businesses emerge from the pandemic and are now readying themselves to scale.

“Our aim with this book is to significantly increase the number of businesses that achieve scale which will ultimately have a positive impact on the local economy and beyond.”

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The book already has widespread acclaim from the likes of Sebastien Tondeur, chief executive of The MCI Group, Dr. Oleg Konovalov, one of the top global thought leaders, author of The Vision Code, da Vinci of visionary leadership and Adam Hale, chairman of ScaleUp Institute.

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