Daithi’s ‘heart hero’ dad wins prestigious award

Daithi and his dad Mairtin who has won a Heart Hero awardDaithi and his dad Mairtin who has won a Heart Hero award
Daithi and his dad Mairtin who has won a Heart Hero award
The father of six-year-old Daithi MacGabhann, who is waiting on a life-saving heart transplant, has been recognised for his work in helping to change the law on organ donation in Northern Ireland.

Belfast man and founder of the Donate4Dáithí campaign, Máirtín MacGabhann, won the Outstanding Contribution Award at the recent British Heart Foundation’s Heart Hero Awards 2022 in London.

Máirtín set up the Donate4Daithí campaign after Dáithí was born with a rare genetic condition called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, which means he only has half a working heart and will require a heart transplant.

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The campaign has been hugely successful and has led to a change in the law concerning organ donation in Northern Ireland.

Daithi MacGabhann, who is waiting on a life-saving heart transplant, and his little brother Cairbre.Daithi MacGabhann, who is waiting on a life-saving heart transplant, and his little brother Cairbre.
Daithi MacGabhann, who is waiting on a life-saving heart transplant, and his little brother Cairbre.

‘Dáithí’s Law’, which was passed in the Assembly and will come into effect early next year means that all adults in Northern Ireland will be regarded as a potential organ donor unless they opt out.

Máirtín received his Heart Hero Award at a glittering award ceremony on the Glazier’s Hall in London.

The Outstanding Contribution award celebrates an individual or group who has helped the BHF’s mission over many years.

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The ceremony was hosted by TV presenter Vernon Kay, who was joined by a host of celebrities to hand out the awards, including Olympic gymnasts Ellie and Becky Downie, football legend, David Ginola and new BHF ambassador and reality TV star, Ollie Proudlock.

Mairtin MacGhabann and partner Seph at the Heart Hero awards in LondonMairtin MacGhabann and partner Seph at the Heart Hero awards in London
Mairtin MacGhabann and partner Seph at the Heart Hero awards in London

Máirtín, who attended the award ceremony with his partner, Seph Ní Mhealláin, said: “When they called my name I just couldn’t believe it. It means absolutely everything to win this award.

"Dáithí is my absolute world and everything we do in the campaign is for the love for Dáithí and I know it helps so many other people and the positive impact it has.

“When we were campaigning for this change of law, it wasn’t until we teamed up with the BHFNI that our campaign moved to the next level.

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"I look at people at the BHF as part of our family, the work and the research everything the BHF does is so dear to our hearts and means so much.

“I dedicate this award to all those, including Dáithí, who are waiting on the gift of life.”

Máirtín added: "Having all these big hitters in the one room meant I was able to encourage them to have the conversation about organ donation and use their platform.

"At the end of the night I had people waiting to talk to me, people from TV programmes and ex footballers. They were waiting to talk to us to find out more.”

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There is huge support for organ donation in Northern Ireland.

Studies have shown that 90 per cent of the population is in favour of it, but only 52 per cent have opted in on the register.

Máirtín added: "We have made a couple of connections and we are waiting to see how they go in the new year, because even though the law is changing here in the spring, nothing changes for our campaign, we are still going to be encouraging people to join the NHS organ donor register.”

Máirtín was presented with his Heart Hero award by TV personality, Yinka Bokinni.

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Yinka said: "It was an absolute honour to present Máirtín with the outstanding contribution award. Máirtín has given so much to help others and make a change for good. He is a real-life hero in my eyes and epitomises what these awards are about.”

Fearghal McKinney, head of British Heart Foundation Northern Ireland, who was in London for the ceremony, congratulated Máirtín on his award.

“This is a fantastic achievement for Máirtín and it is definitely well deserved. He is undoubtedly a Heart Hero for the tireless work he has done with the Donate4Dáithí campaign.

“Máirtín is an inspiration to so many and it was great to be with him and Seph in London to see him recognised for everything he has achieved.

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“BHFNI is proud to support Máirtín and we will continue to support him, Seph, Cairbre and of course, Dáithí.”

Máirtín said Dáithí, who turned six in October, is in a stable condition, but suffered a slight ‘hiccup’ recently.

“We were in Glasgow for his birthday around the end of October and we had to get him an ambulance because he had croup. He’s fine, but he hasn’t really bounced back to himself.

"He’s stable and he’s doing OK but with any child with a heart condition their energy isn’t great and he just hasn’t fully bounced back from that, but if you saw him in front of you now, you’d be asking me what I’m on about because Dáithí just gets on with things.”

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The family, who had to isolate for months during the pandemic, are looking forward to Christmas – and Dáithí has a new little brother to celebrate with, five-month-old Cairbre.

“We were locked up for months shielding during the pandemic,” said Máirtín.

"Dáithí wasn’t allowed out and we weren’t allowed to mix with anybody. It was a brutal.

"Even now we are still feeling the mental and physical effects of being locked up for so long. We are still adjusting to normal life again.

“But Dáithí can’t wait for Santa.

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“It’s so magical. We were at the Christmas Market and he loved the lights, we thought his head was going to explode because he was so excited.”

And Máirtín said Dáithí is “just the best big brother.”

"He is so full of love and he’s a real help. You even see Cairbre’s face lighting up with Daithi walks into the room.

"I am really looking forward to seeing them grow up together.”