Man who went missing a decade ago found dead


Garda handout photo of Stephen CorriganBEST QUALITY AVAILABLE

Garda handout photo of Stephen Corrigan
BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE Garda handout photo of Stephen Corrigan
Human remains discovered on April 9 belonged to a man who went missing almost a decade ago, it has emerged.

Stephen Corrigan who was found in Dublin was identified through DNA analysis.

His body was found in Rathmines, south Dublin, and he was a resident of Cork Street near the city centre.

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He went missing in November 2011 and would have been 57 if still alive now.

Repeated previous attempts to locate him failed.

A Garda statement said: “Stephen has been identified through DNA analysis compared with a familial DNA sample provided by his mother.

“Sadly, Stephen’s mother is now deceased, as is his only other known blood relative.

“An Garda Siochana continue to try and identify surviving members of Stephen’s family and are appealing to any living relative of Stephen Corrigan or any member of the public who knew Stephen to contact Gardai at Rathmines Garda Station.”