Blast from the past: When Lucozade was a cure-all

It came in a glass bottle with bubbly bits on the top half and the slogan on the front said ‘Restores Lost Energy’ – but the best bit, was the crinkly cellophane paper, which every kid (and probably adult) looked through to create an orangey world.
Lucozade was a delicious cure-allLucozade was a delicious cure-all
Lucozade was a delicious cure-all

Lucozade was wheeled out at the first sign of illness. Who doesn’t remember days off school, convalescing on the sofa, with Basil Brush on the TV and a glass of the sticky amber nectar in a beaker. Halcyon days.

We brought it to hospital when visiting sick relatives, along with grapes and concern – then hoped the patient would spare us a drop.

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Originally, Lucozade was available in only one variety, which was effervescent with a distinctive sweet citric flavour. Now there are lots of flavours, but alas, the glass bottle is no more.

Whenever I want to travel back in time to my 1970s childhood, all I need is a glass of Lucozade. One sip of the electric orange liquid and I’m back in the magical era of Chopper bikes, space hoppers and Sindy dolls.

In those days you could buy Lucozade in chemists, (which also covered their windows in the same kind of orangey cellophane), proof, that in terms of its healing powers, it was up there with a home-visit from the doctor.