14 telltale signs you are truly 'Norn-Irish'

You know you are from Northern Ireland when you can impersonate UTV presenter Jullian Simmons at the drop of a hat.You know you are from Northern Ireland when you can impersonate UTV presenter Jullian Simmons at the drop of a hat.
You know you are from Northern Ireland when you can impersonate UTV presenter Jullian Simmons at the drop of a hat.
It seems us 'Norn Irish' have come to be associated with our fair share of, shall we say, '˜interesting' habits, so we do.

How many of these do YOU recognise? What else do us charming 'Norn Irish' say?

To begin viewing the 14 tell-tale signs click HERE, on the link above or on the white square in bottom left corner of the image above.