Anger at IRA AK47 sign outside hospital

IRA sign outside hospitalIRA sign outside hospital
IRA sign outside hospital
A Belfast Councillor has told of his anger after seeing an IRA AK47 sign near an entrance to the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast.

SDLP Councillor Donal Lyons took the picture of the offensive sign this morning during a visit to the hospital.

He said: "I think sick people have enough to contend with without seeing this on their way into or out of the hospital. It is on a lamppost close to a bus stop near the entrance.

"I suspect it was put up for an Easter Rising parade."

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The Balmoral Councillor added: "This is not acceptable at all. This is clearly outside the hospital where you have all sorts of people going in and out, including many who are very ill and stressed about other issues.

"Having this at one of the entrances is bang of order. You can imagine someone going in for an appointment to get test results and seeing that."

And fellow SDLP councillor Tim Attwood called for the immediate removal of the IRA sign.

He said: "The appalling IRA sign and mock machine gun outside the pedestrian entrance to Royal Victoria Hospital should be removed immediately.

"There can be no place in our community for such imagery especially outside a hospital. Those days are long gone.”
