Alleged axe attack in north Belfast house was like scene from ‘The Shining,’ court told

The case was heard at Belfast Magistrate's CourtThe case was heard at Belfast Magistrate's Court
The case was heard at Belfast Magistrate's Court
An alleged hatchet attack on a house in north Belfast was like something from the horror movie The Shining, a court heard yesterday.

Robert Kinkead, 19, is accused of smashing his way through the front door of the property at Seaview Close ahead of a family funeral.

Police claimed his mother and her partner were forced to hide in a back room during the incident on Thursday.

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Kinkead, of Mountcollyer Avenue in the city, appeared at Belfast Magistrates’ Court on charges of aggravated burglary with intent to commit grievous bodily harm and possessing an offensive weapon.

He faces further counts of criminal damage, assault on police, and possessing Class B drugs.

A PSNI officer said Kinkead went to the house where funeral arrangements were being made. He left following an argument, the court was told, but allegedly returned with a hatchet to “beat his way” inside.

“This was used to smash the top of the door, through which Mr Kinkead climbed into the property,” the officer claimed.

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“His mother and her partner hid themselves in the back of the house.”

In a reference to a scene from the movie starring Jack Nicholson, Deputy District Judge Chris Holmes commented: “It’s like The Shining.”

A backpack containing a quantity of suspected cannabis and a hatchet with a broken head were recovered following Kinkead’s arrest, according to police.

Defence barrister Richard McConkey said the teenager had a “fractious” relationship with his mother.

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Mr McConkey argued that he could be released to live at an address away from the scene. Bail was refused, however, due to the risk of any re-offending.

Kinkead was remanded in custody to appear again by video-link in four weeks time.

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