Court told kidnapped woman was shaved, stripped and bound

Belfast Magistrates Court.Belfast Magistrates Court.
Belfast Magistrates Court.
A woman was allegedly shaved, stripped and bound as part of a kidnapping where she was told her “beauty” would be removed with a knife, the High Court heard today.

Prosecutors also claimed her stomach was stamped on before being warned that if she took off a blindfold her eyes would be pulled out.

She was attacked at a secluded location after being forced into a car with a second woman in Ballymena, Co Antrim, it was contended.

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Mother-of-two Maria Covaci, 29, is accused of taking part in abducting the pair on November 13 last year.

The Romanian national, of New Road in Silverbridge, Armagh, faces charges of common assault, possessing an offensive weapon, false imprisonment and sexual assault.

She was granted bail after a judge was told she has just given birth to her second child.

The two victims were allegedly grabbed at knifepoint and bundled into an Audi car where a heavily pregnant Covaci was waiting inside.

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They were driven to a remote area following a traffic collision where one of the women made a failed attempt to escape from the locked vehicle, the court heard.

At that location she was bound with tape and forced to kneel in front of the car’s headlights, according to the prosecution.

Crown lawyer Mark Conlon submitted: “(Covaci) allegedly kneeled down in front of her with a knife in her hand and told her she was going to remove her beauty.”

Clippers were then produced and used to shave off the woman’s hair before she was stamped on, it was claimed.

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As the alleged attack was being recorded, she was stripped of clothing and told pictures would be posted on social media.

Some of her artificial nails were also pulled out, the court was told, as well as being pushed to the ground and sexually assaulted.

Mr Conlon went on: “She was placed in a blindfold and told if she removed it she would have her eyes pulled out.”

Covaci then allegedly dragged the woman back to the car, striking her head against a door, and telling her she had 24 hours to leave the country or she would be killed.

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During interviews following her arrest on December 30, the defendant denied involvement in any kidnapping.

She claimed the two women only spent a few minutes in her car, getting out again voluntarily due to an argument.

Covaci’s barrister, Chris Sherrard, argued: “The offences are of a very unsavoury nature, but the defendant makes denials and enjoys the presumption of innocence.”

Granting bail, Mr Justice Colton based his decision on the accused having recently given birth and the offer of a £10,000 cash surety.

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He banned Covaci from contacting either alleged victim or entering Ballymena as part of strict release conditions.

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