Guilty: Stephen McKinney found to have murdered wife Lu Na

Stephen McKinneyStephen McKinney
Stephen McKinney
A jury has this afternoon found Stephen McKinney guilty of murdering his wife.

The killing took place over four years ago, and happened during a boating holiday on the Fermnagh lakes.

McKinney, 44 and from Castletown Square, Fintona, Co Tyrone, had argued his wife fell in the water accidentally – but today a jury unanimously decided otherwise.

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He will get an automatic “life sentence” for the murder (the only sentence a judge can pass) – but exactly what that means is uncertain; the judge will determine exactly how long he has to serve of his “life sentence” at a later date.

His trial – which took place at Dungannon Crown Court before Madam Justice McBride – had been abandoned last year after two jurors said they fell into the “vulnerable” category during the first coronavirus lockdown.

McKinney and Lu Na, who was from China, had been married for nearly 14 years.

McKinney was described by the prosecution as being a controlling husband who could not accept that his marriage may have been coming to an end.

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The court had also been told Mrs McKinney was “incapacitated” by the heavy sleeping drug Zopiclone, obtained online by her husband.

He had then forced her into the water as their children slept on the boat, moored near Devenish Island, in the early hours of April 13, 2017.

Today he was remanded in custody to await sentencing.

Meanwhile, the court has also been asked to look into confiscating property of his under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 – with a hearing on this scheduled for September 6.

It is expected sentencing will take place then, too.

More on this topic here:

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