Men arrested in Castledawson over illegal supply of firearms are released on bail

Firearms were amongst the items seizedFirearms were amongst the items seized
Firearms were amongst the items seized
Two men arrested on Monday as part of an investigation into the attempted importation and sale of illegal firearms have now been released on bail pending further enquiries.

The pair, aged 27 and 59, were detained in the Castledawson area by National Crime Agency officers working with the PSNI as part of the Paramilitary Crime Task Force.

A number of firearms were recovered from the property and are now being analysed.

A quantity of cash was also seized.

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National Crime Agency (NCA) Belfast operations manager Gillian Shackleford said: “These men were arrested as part of an international investigation focusing on the supply of illegal firearms.

“Stopping the criminal supply of guns is a priority for the NCA, and working with our partners in the PSNI we are determined to do all we can to prevent such weapons reaching our streets.”

The PSNI, HM Revenue and Customs and the National Crime Agency established the Paramilitary Crime Task Force to tackle criminality linked to paramilitarism as part of the Stormont executive’s action plan on tackling paramilitary activity, criminality and organised crime.