Police probe criminal damage as Protestant church daubed with tricolours

A church and local neighbourhood has been targeted by grafitti in Grange Village near AhoghillA church and local neighbourhood has been targeted by grafitti in Grange Village near Ahoghill
A church and local neighbourhood has been targeted by grafitti in Grange Village near Ahoghill
Police are investigating after a Church of Ireland church was painted in the colours of the Irish tricolour.

It happened at Ballyscullion Church of Ireland in Grange Village, close to Ahoghill, to the west of Ballymena.

TUV Alderman Stewart McDonald described it as a “sectarian attack”.

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He said: “Last night some mindless vandals painted tricolours on a number of a number items of public property including curb-stones in Ahoghill.

“Such childish behaviour will soon be cleaned up but altogether more sinister is what happened at Ballyscullion Church of Ireland where an Irish tricolour was painted on the back of the building.

“Everyone knows that the tricolour is the chosen symbol of the PIRA who murdered Protestants in Northern Ireland for 30 years. This action is therefore deeply sectarian and threatening.

“I would appeal for anyone who witnessed anything suspicious last night to contact police so that those responsible for this intimidation can be brought to justice.”

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The PSNI said that today they “received a report of criminal damage to a church on the Grange Road area of Antrim”.

Enquiries are continuing and police appeal to anyone who witnessed anything suspicious in the area to contact police on 101, quoting reference number 818 of 16/07/20.

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