Transgenderism: Doctor questions PSNI pledge to celebrate ‘non-existent genderless people’

A message from the PSNI’s LGBT Network (the phrase ‘intersectionality’ at the end is another word for what is often called ‘identity politics’ – the idea that people suffer layers of oppression based on gender, colour & sexuality)A message from the PSNI’s LGBT Network (the phrase ‘intersectionality’ at the end is another word for what is often called ‘identity politics’ – the idea that people suffer layers of oppression based on gender, colour & sexuality)
A message from the PSNI’s LGBT Network (the phrase ‘intersectionality’ at the end is another word for what is often called ‘identity politics’ – the idea that people suffer layers of oppression based on gender, colour & sexuality)
A doctor who found himself out of a job after voicing opposition to transgender ideology has questioned why the PSNI is now pledging to “celebrate” a group of people who, to his mind, do not exist.

Dr David Mackereth was reacting to a lengthy police press release this week in which the force said “supporting the LGBTQIA communities continues to be an area of focus for the PSNI”.

The statement continued: “The PSNI are pleased to be supporting the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT).

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“This day celebrates the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and agender (LGBTQIA) communities globally.”

While the ‘A’ in LGBTQIA is often taken to mean “asexual” (someone with no real sex drive) the PSNI has interpreted it to also mean “agender”.

Asked what “agender” means, the PSNI said: “A person who is agender sees themselves as neither man nor woman, has no gender identity, or no gender to express.”

Dr Mackereth said such a thing is “impossible”.

An English A&E specialist with over three decades of medical experience, he hit the headlines back in 2018 when he got into a disagreement with his boss about transgenderism, shortly after taking on a job as a government disability assessor.

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According to present-day gender activists, if anybody says they are a woman then they must be regarded as truly female, irrespective of their genes, their body, or their legal status (and vice-versa for men).

Dr Mackereth says he told his boss that he would refuse to refer to a bearded six-foot tall man as “Mrs”, on both medical and religious grounds.

He was out of the job soon after, and is still pursuing a legal case over the matter.

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Trans activists also hold that, rather than just men and women, the real number of genders may be limitless.

These include “gender-queer, gender-fluid, non-binary, gender-variant, genderless, agender, nongender, third gender, bi-gender, trans masculine, trans feminine and neutrois” among others (source: Stonewall).

Some NHS webpages about transgenderism also now make reference to the term “agender”.


Dr Mackereth said: “In several years at medical school, and in all my medical practice, I never came across anyone claiming to be ‘agender’.

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“I understand that it is perfectly reasonable that a person may be asexual, because they may have no sexual desire at all.

“If a person claims that they are ‘agender’, what about their biology, their body, and their genes?

“A person with a normal complement of human genes and a normal body states that they are ‘agender’.

“Their body says no.

“Their genes say no.

“How then can agender be defined?

“It cannot. Therefore we are back to ‘a person is ‘agender’ because they say they are ‘agender’’ [and] no-one is allowed to argue against that on pain of punishment.

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“An English police force (Norfolk Constabulary) has just advised their officers that there are 37 genders. How long before there are 37,000?

“What will be the effect on the process of law of such complexities? How would you address an ‘agender’ judge for example?

“Will all law have to be re written to exclude binary language? Will all law have to incorporate all the genders?

“It seems to me that the onus is on the government, the NHS, and the police to prove what ‘agender’ is, and whether it really exists...

“Doctors need truth in order to practice.

“The police need truth in order to uphold the law.

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“Society needs truth in order to function. We all need truth in order to remain human.

“Without proof, there is no truth.

“There is no proof of this thing called ‘agender’, neither can there be.”


But in short, it made reference to a rise in the reported numbers of homophobic and transphobic “hate crimes” and “hate incidents” (though it is not clear what counts as a “hate incident”).

Two parties have so far issued responses to it.

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The first was the SDLP, in the name of Belfast councillor Seamas de Faoite (who has often been a spokesman on these matters, see here –Nolan’s patience tested by SDLP man: ‘I’ve asked you 20 times’).

“There can be no doubt that we have come a long way in how our rainbow community is treated and viewed in Northern Ireland over the past few decades, but these damning figures show just how far we still have to go before people can feel respected, accepted and safe regardless of their sexuality or gender,” he said.

“I suspect the vast majority of people would assume homophobic and transphobe hate crimes are on the decline. In fact the opposite is true...

“[We] need to robustly tackle hate and those who spread it or we face the situation getting even worse in future.

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“That includes delivering the long-awaited Sexual Orientation Strategy and Conversion Therapy Ban...

“We need to see long overdue action from an incoming Executive on hate crime reform, the sexual orientation strategy, relationship and sexuality education and Trans healthcare if we are ever going to reduce these worrying statistics.”

And the Alliance Party issued a statement in the name of new Upper Bann MLA Eoin Tennyson: “We’ve made huge strides forward in Northern Ireland in recent decades, yet In 2022 these figures really are a disheartening read and highlight just how far we have yet to go to achieve full LGBTQ+ equality.

“No one should be targeted in this way because of who they are or who they love.

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“Change is within reach – as Justice Minister Naomi Long started preparations for a Hate Crime Bill in the last mandate.

“We need an Executive up and running to progress that Bill, and to push for change in a whole host of other areas, including delivering the long-overdue Sexual Orientation Strategy and securing inclusive relationship and sex education.”

Meanwhile the Rainbow Project, arguably the paramount LGBTQQIA+ organisation in NI, said: “Whilst these PSNI figures are a stark reminder that anti-LGBTQIA crime is happening across NI, it also shows an increased confidence in people to report those incidents to the PSNI.

“Not all hate incidents will amount to criminal offences, but it is equally important that these are reported and recorded by the police.”

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Whilst the PSNI has indicated that LGBTQIA matters are a priority for officers, it comes as the force labours under a massive financial deficit, with the top brass forced to consider shrinking officer numbers by as much as 14% by 2025 to cope with the shortfall.